Burn Fat and Lose Weight With Exercise
We've picked some of the top fitness programs which will help you lose weight, tone your body and feel terrific. There are programs specifically for men or women and also programs which suit everyone.
The Adonis Golden Ratio is for men only and is designed to give you a body with the V-taper and ripped abs. From the same experts, a top diet and exercise plan for women the Venus Factor. The Venus Factor workout is designed for over body toning and uses a mixture of bodyweight exercise and small weights.
My Bikini Butt is another program designed specifically for women. Not only does it help you burn off any excess unhealthy fat. It also tones and lifts your butt into a shapely figure which looks great in swimwear. This program differs from the Venus Factor in that the exercises are yoga and pilates based and the videos are more comprehensive. So although these can be tough workouts they are more suitable for people who are new to to exercise.
If you need to lose fat or find following along with a video workout easier to do than follow a written program, then the well regarded Turbulence Training for Fat Loss could be the answer for you. 24 video workouts have been specially developed to boost your body's fat burning capability in just 3 workouts a week, that's just 90 minutes of exercise which can be done anywhere.
If you's slightly more mature, you might like to check out our review of Old School New Body. These workouts are for people over 35 and they have been designed to make you look 10 years younger! Developed by Steve Holman, this program incorporates everything he learned from top fitness trainers during his 25 years as editor of one of the world's most respected fitness magazines.
You can lose weight without exercise, but there's really nothing better than exercise for making you look and feel younger, slimmer and more attractive.
Exercise is beneficial in preventing a whole range of chronic health problems. Exercising also improves many existing conditions like PCOS and also makes type 2 diabetes easier to control.
As usual with an exercise program, if you're out of shape and not used to regular activity, please check with your physician before starting a new exercise program.