Will The Adonis Golden Ratio Give You A Sexier Body?

For the look women love…
The Adonis Golden Ratio is a weight training and nutrition program specifically for men. It is designed to give your body the ripped, muscular V shape of wide shoulders, great pecs and lean waist which women find most alluring.
Other workout programs may emphasise strength, or “getting big”, but the Adonis Golden Ratio program has been designed specifically to emphasise proportion and definition. The Golden Ratio has been worked out from attractiveness research to be the look that women find most appealing. It's based on the ratio between the measurement of the circumference of the shoulders and the waist.
The ideal measurements which the training program aims to give you are calculated using the Adonis golden ratio calculator. As everyone is different, the golden ratio calculator takes your height, weight, age and current body measurements to calculate your personal “golden ratio”. The program then creates customised workout programs and nutritional guidance designed to help you lose weight and give you that ideal shape in the most effective way.
How Do I Start?
Once you've joined the program (click here to join now), you will receive an email with your username and password so you can log into the Adonis Index website. From there helpful videos explain how to get started. There are also detailed instructions on how to get involved in the online community and how to find the answers to any questions you might have.
There are instructional “How To” videos which take you through the different parts parts of the program. There are also demo videos for each of the exercises in the workouts. The program includes an app for iPhone and Android, so you can access everything on your phone and check what you're doing while you exercise.
You can adjust the Adonis Golden Ratio workout for your own levels of ability and fitness, so if you're out of shape, or have never worked out before the program will still work perfectly – it just takes longer to really get going.
The Adonis Golden Ratio system is designed to give nutrition guidelines on a wide variety of food choices. So if you have special dietary requirements, the system can work with them to produce a plan which will deliver your desired results.
If you want to boost your results even further, there is a gold version of the Adonis Golden Ratio, in the form of Adonis Immersion. Adonis Immersion is an 7 month program which is only available to men who are on the Adonis Golden Ratio program. If you opt for the Immersion program you will receive new Adonis Index secrets every other week. Secrets including advanced skills and research for building your ultimate body, uncensored premium audio lessons, videos, additional workouts and extra phone apps and software.
Does it work?
Yes it does. This program is an updated and enhanced version of the Adonis Index program and there are many testimonials to the efficacy of that program. This program should work even better. All you have to do is to follow the detailed instructions. Then you should see excellent results.
Who is it best for?
- Men, who are prepared to do some exercise.
- Men who don't just want to lose weight but also want that sexy ripped body
Who should avoid it?
- Women. The Adonis Golden Ratio program is designed specifically for men. There is a women only equivalent which is the Venus Immersion Program
- If you want weight loss without exercise then this isn't the program for you. You might like to look at one of the other programs which don't include exercise.
- People who are not in reasonable physical health. If you're over 40, you should really check with your physician before starting an exercise program.
What do you get?
- The Adonis index calculator software to calculate your own personal golden ratio.
- Special computer software, designed to be used once a week, which generates your own personalised nutrition and exercise plans.
- Each week the software will recalculate your requirements according to your current measurements and produce a customised nutrition plan for the week as you progress towards your ideal body. It provides guidelines for food choices, nutrients and calories intake depending on your current fitness levels and body shape.
- The software also calculates a new, personalised, whole body workout plan for you every week to build on your progress so far and move you towards your goal in the most effective way possible.
- The Adonis Golden Ratio also includes an app for your mobile devices (iPhone or Android) so you can carry the entire program in your pocket. You can access everything included in the program, and track your progress whether your in the gym, at home or on the road.
- There are instructional videos for the workout exercises.
- And a comprehensive nutritional information manual.
- ALSO an optional free trial to the Premium Adonis Immersion program which includes a wealth of additional information, uncensored advanced audio lessons, new phone apps, software and videos, access to the Premium Supplement Database and much, much more.
How much is it?
$37 to purchase the program immediately or there is currently a 7 day Trial Offer for $9.95
The advanced Adonis Immersion program is currently available for $79 per month for 7 months, after which you get lifetime access to all new Adonis materials for free.
How is it delivered?
By Electronic Download and Online access. Once you've bought the program you can download it immediately from the special members site. Nothing is physically shipped to you, so there is no need to wait, worry about damaged packaging or pay for shipping.
Is there a guarantee
Yes, a 60 day money back guarantee
Now I've read the Adonis Golden Ratio review, can I try it myself?
You can buy the program from the official Adonis Golden Ratio website
Or try the 7 day Trial Offer for $9.95